St. Clair High School2200 Clinton Ave. , Saint Clair , MI , USA (Postal Code: 48079)

Thanks to your feedback, Swimia has become in just various months one the most important web sites of swimming pools. Here you have all of the info we know about St. Clair High School, in Saint Clair.
Do you realize the opening hours? Are they providing any course? What is the price for a single swim?
Don't neglect you can also promote this pool so St. Clair High School will appear the first of Saint Clair, or perhaps the very first of your country, contact us to know alot more.

New in Saint Clair?

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Your feedback is often appreciated!

  • Location :
    USA, Michigan, Saint Clair County, Saint Clair

  • Address :
    2200 Clinton Ave. , Saint Clair , MI , USA (Postal Code: 48079)

We strongly recommend calling before visiting the Pool.

How to contact the Aquatic Center

This could be the most recent get in touch with info we have:

  • Telephone:

    <not provided>

  • E-mail:

    <not provided>

  • Website:

    <not provided>

If you believe that any in the knowledge is incorrect, please get in touch with us. Assistance us be better day-by-day.

Best Swimming Pools in the area of Saint Clair County, found 2

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