Pickett Pool5700 Wayne Avenue , Philadelphia , PA , USA (Postal Code: 19144)

Thanks to your feedback, Swimia has grow to be in just a few months one essentially the most very important websites of swimming pools. Here you may have all the info we know about Pickett Pool, in Philadelphia.
Do you know the opening hours? Are they providing any course? What is the price to get a single swim?
Don't forget you can also promote this pool so Pickett Pool will appear the first of Philadelphia, or even the very first of your country, get in touch with us to know additional.

Phone number and e-mail address are number for this Swimming Pool.

How to reach the premises

Are you a regular customer in this Pool? Unfortunately we don't have GPS coordinates for this Swimming Pool, have you?

Your feedback is generally appreciated!

  • Location :
    USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County, Philadelphia

  • Address :
    5700 Wayne Avenue , Philadelphia , PA , USA (Postal Code: 19144)

We strongly recommend calling before visiting the Pool.

Get their opening hours before dropping by

This is the most recent contact details we have:

  • Telephone:

    (215) 685-2196 for the pool (after 5 PM). 683-3663 for the Parks and Rec. Dept

  • E-mail:


  • Website:

    <not provided>

If you believe that any in the information is incorrect, please get in touch with us. Aid us be better day-by-day.

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