Madison Square Boys & Girls Club - Joel E. Smilow Clubhouse1665 Hoe Avenue , Bronx , NY , USA (Postal Code: 10460)
Do you know the opening hours? Are they offering any course? What is the price for a single swim?
Don't forget you can also promote this pool so Madison Square Boys & Girls Club - Joel E. Smilow Clubhouse will appear the first of Bronx, or even the very first of your country, contact us to know more.
Phone number and e-mail address are number for this Swimming Pool.
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Your feedback is consistently appreciated!
Location :USA, New York, Bronx County, Bronx
Address :1665 Hoe Avenue , Bronx , NY , USA (Postal Code: 10460)
Directions:Near the Bronx Zoo.
We strongly recommend calling before visiting the Aquatic Center.
Make sure they are open now
This is the most recent get in touch with details we have:
(718) 328-3900
If you believe that any with the information is incorrect, please contact us. Assist us be better day-by-day.
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