JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa5350 E. Marriott Drive , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85054)
Do you know the opening hours? Are they offering any course? What is the price to get a single swim?
Don't forget you can also promote this pool so JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa will appear the very first of Phoenix, or perhaps the initial of your country, contact us to know even more.
Phone number and e-mail address are number for this Swimming Pool.
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Your feedback is consistently appreciated!
Location :USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, Phoenix
Address :5350 E. Marriott Drive , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85054)
We strongly recommend calling before visiting the Swimming Pool.
Get their opening hours before dropping by
This may be the most recent contact information we have:
(480) 293-5000; Reservations: (800) 835-6206
If you believe that any on the information is incorrect, please contact us. Support us be better day-by-day.
Best Swimming Pools in the region of Phoenix, listing 17
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8221 N. 23rd Ave. , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85021).
Maryvale Samaritan Health Institute
5260 W. Campbell Ave. , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85031).
Chris-Town YMCA
5517 N. 17th Ave. , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85015).
The Village Racquet and Health Club
4444 E. Camelback , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85018).
Arizona Country Club
5668 E. Orange Blossom Lane , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85018).
Arizona Biltmore
2400 East Missouri , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85016).
City Square Athletic Club
100 W. Clarendon Ave. , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85013).
Central Park Square Athletic Club
2020 N. Central Ave., Suite L100 , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85004).
Ahwatukee Swim and Tennis
4700 E. Warner Rd. , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85044).
Dottie Boreyko / Brophy Sports Campus
2902 E. Campbell , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85016). This great and large sports center lets professional swimmers like you enjoy Olympic size x 25 yards + 25 meters, 8 x 10 + 10 lanes, Outdoors. Additionally, within these facilities you can try 25 meters, 6 lanes, Outdoors. Phone number and e-mail address are number for this Swimming Pool.
Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort
11111 North 7th Street , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85020).
24-Hour Fitness - Phoenix
3233 E. Camelback Rd. , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85018).
Wyndham Garden Hotel-North Phoenix
Updated on 2025 2641 W. Union Hills Dr. , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85027).
Moon Valley Country Club
151 West Moon Valley Drive , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85023).
Bally's U.S. Swim and Fitness - N. Cave Creek Rd.
12235 N. Cave Creek Rd. , Phoenix , AZ , USA (Postal Code: 85022).