Hyatt Regency Cambridge575 Memorial Drive , Cambridge , MA , USA (Postal Code: 02139)
Do you realize the opening hours? Are they providing any course? What is the price for a single swim?
Don't neglect you can also promote this pool so Hyatt Regency Cambridge will appear the very first of Cambridge, or even the first of your country, contact us to know far more.
Phone number and email address are number for this Swimming Pool.
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Your feedback is generally appreciated!
Location :USA, Massachusetts, Middlesex County, Cambridge
Address :575 Memorial Drive , Cambridge , MA , USA (Postal Code: 02139)
We strongly recommend calling before visiting the Swimming Pool.
Contact details
This is the most recent contact information we've:
(617) 492-1234
If you believe that any from the data is incorrect, please contact us. Enable us be better day-by-day.
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120 Vassar Street , MIT , Cambridge , MA , USA (Postal Code: 02139). Swimmers like you have reported Olympic size x 25 yards, 8 x 20 lanes, 7 feet - 14 feet depth, Indoors. Also, you will find 25 yards, 6 lanes, 3.5 feet - 4.5 feet depth, Indoors. Just in case you wish to contact this Swimming Pool before dropping by, we only know the phone number.
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