Eastern Athletic Club - Prospect Park17 Eastern Pkwy. , Prospect Park , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11238)
Do you realize the opening hours? Are they offering any course? What is the cost to get a single swim?
Don't forget you can also promote this pool so Eastern Athletic Club - Prospect Park will appear the very first of Brooklyn, or even the first of your country, make contact with us to know alot more.
Unfortunately we do not have the email address of this Swimming Pool, but we can provide you with the phone number.
Are you a regular customer in this Swimming Pool? Unfortunately we don't have GPS coordinates for this Pool, have you?
Your feedback is consistently appreciated!
Location :USA, New York, Kings County, Brooklyn
Address :17 Eastern Pkwy. , Prospect Park , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11238)
Directions:On Grand Army Plaza, directly across Eastern Pkwy. from the public library.
We strongly recommend calling before visiting the Swimming Pool.
Call them before dropping by
This is the most recent make contact with details we have:
(718) 789-4600
<not provided>
If you believe that any of the information is incorrect, please contact us. Assist us be better day-by-day.
Best Swimming Pools near Brooklyn, listing 16
Shorefront YM-YWHA
3300 Coney Island Ave , Brighton Beach , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11235).
Prospect Park YMCA
357 9th St. , Prospect Park , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11215).
Bedford - Stuyvesant Branch YMCA
1121 Bedford Ave. , Bedford-Stuyvesant , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11216).
Kings Bay YM-YWHA
3495 Nostrand Avenue , Sheepshead Bay , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11229).
Dodge YMCA
225 Atlantic Avenue , Brooklyn Heights , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11201).
Bally Total Fitness - Sheepshead Bay
1720 Sheepshead Bay Rd. #28 , Bensonhurst / Sheepshead Bay , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11235).
Twelve Towns/North Brooklyn YMCA
570 Jamaica Ave. , Cypress Hills , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11208).
St. Johns Recreation Center Pool
1251 Prospect Place , Crown Heights , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11213).
New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge
Updated on 2025 333 Adams Street , Downtown , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11201).
Brooklyn Sports Club
1540 Van Siclen Ave. , East New York , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11239).
Brownsville Recreation Center
1555 Linden Blvd. , Brownsville , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11212).
Brooklyn Swim Center
Erasmus Hall High School , 2240 Bedford Avenue , Flatbush , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11226).
Berkeley Carroll School Athletic Center
762 President Street , Park Slope , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11217).
Paerdegat Athletic Club
1500 Paerdegat Ave. , Canarsie , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11236).
Brooklyn College Pool
2900 Bedford Ave. , West Quad Lower Level , Flatbush , Brooklyn , NY , USA (Postal Code: 11210).